Your Vision.
Your Way.

The Light Adjustable Lens™ (LAL™/LAL+®) is the first and only lens that can be customized after cataract surgery—because we believe your vision should be exactly what you want. Now you can experience your vision, then refine it. So your vision will truly be yours.

Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is the most performed procedure in the United States. About 50% of Americans will develop cataracts by age 75 and, if left untreated, they can cause blindness.1

What are cataracts?

Cataracts form when the proteins and fibers in your eye’s natural lens begin to break down, causing hazy or cloudy vision. Once begun, cataracts only worsen until surgery is necessary.

Clear Lens

Light enters the eye through the cornea, passes through the lens and is focused onto the retina, providing a crisp, clear image.

Clouded Lens

Less light is able to pass through the clouded lens and then becomes diffused or scattered, resulting in blurry vision and faded colors.

How does cataract surgery work?

During surgery, a patient’s natural lens is removed and replaced with a clear synthetic one. The procedure usually takes approximately 15 minutes. If you have cataracts in both eyes, each eye is usually done on separate days. Typically, cataract surgery is performed while you are awake, though not until numbing eye drops have taken effect so that you don’t feel discomfort. 

Clouded lens removed

Intraocular lens (IOL) implanted in place

How the Light Adjustable Lens Works

The First and Only Lens That Can Be Adjusted After Surgery

The Light Adjustable Lens is made of a special photosensitive material that changes the shape and power of your implanted lens in response to ultraviolet (UV) light to optimize your vision.

The Light Delivery Device™ (LDD™) non-invasively delivers this UV light to precisely reshape your lens based on the visual correction that is needed to target your custom prescription.

RxSight offers two lenses in the Light Adjustable Lens platform: the Light Adjustable Lens and the Light Adjustable Lens+™. Your doctor will determine the lens that is best suited to your eyes. Both the LAL and LAL+ provide the same opportunity to customize your vision with your doctor after surgery.

UV light exposure
Modified shape

Light Treatment Schedule

UV light treatments will be performed in your doctor’s office after your eye has healed. Depending on your desired visual outcome, you may have 1–3 light treatments, followed by two “lock-in” treatments to prevent further changes.

Light treatment schedule
Initial Light Treatment
Additional Light Treatments
(as desired)
Lock-In Treatments
(two required)
approximately 2-3 weeks after surgery
approximately 3 days after each prior light treatment
approximately 3 days apart

Fixed vs. Adjustable Lenses

With other lenses, you have to make a lot of decisions about the vision you want before your cataract surgery. Once implanted, those lenses can’t be changed; they’re what’s known as “fixed.” 

The Light Adjustable Lens, however, is an adjustable lens. This means that the only decision you have to make before your surgery is to choose the Light Adjustable Lens. The rest can be made after your surgery once your eye has healed.

You and your surgeon then have the ability to adjust the lens and optimize your vision based on your unique preferences and lifestyle requirements. So you will truly have vision that’s just for you.

What to Expect After Surgery

About three weeks after your cataract surgery, you’ll visit your doctor’s office to begin the light treatments to customize your vision. During these visits, you and your doctor work together to achieve the best possible visual outcome—the vision that’s best for you and your lifestyle.

Studies have shown that patients who received the Light Adjustable Lens (LAL) and the recommended post-surgery treatments were almost twice as likely to achieve 20/20 vision or better without glasses compared to cataract patients who have standard lens implants.2

Doctor performing a light treatment with the LDD

Why do I have to wear UV protective glasses?

While your vision is still in the adjustment phase, you will be required to wear glasses that prevent UV light from altering your lens to protect it before the final lock-in. 

UV glasses with light and dark lenses

Find a Physician

Contact one of our official providers to schedule a cataract consultation to see if the Light Adjustable Lens is right for you. Enter your location in the map below to find the practice nearest to you.

  1. Cataract tables. National Eye Institute. Accessed February 27, 2023.
  2. RxSight P160055: FDA Summary of Safety and Effectiveness Data. 2017.
LAL patients saw nearly as well without glasses (UCDVA) as control patients did with glasses (BCDVA).

The LAL provides optimized vision for patient satisfaction.2

LAL patients saw nearly as well without glasses (UCDVA) as control patients did with glasses (BCDVA).

Since the LAL is a monofocal lens, there is low risk of dysphotopsias caused by splitting light, leading to potentially enhanced vision and patient satisfaction.

LAL patients are approximately two times more likely to achieve 20/20 vision or better without glasses at 6 months.

The LAL offers LASIK-like accuracy in cataract surgery.2,3

92% of eyes (N = 391) achieved results within 0.50 D of target manifest refraction spherical equivalent (MRSE).

Patients are approximately two times more likely to achieve 20/20 vision or better without glasses at 6 months.

The study was a prospective, controlled, multicenter, 12-month study of 600 patients (ITT population) randomized to receive implantation with the RxSight LAL (N = 403) or a commercially available monofocal IOL (N = 197). Effectiveness analyses included 391 LAL patients and 193 control patients. Primary safety variables included best spectacle-corrected visual acuity (BSCVA) at 6 months and incidence of sight-threatening complications and adverse events. Primary effectiveness variables included percent reduction in manifest cylinder at 6 months, percent mean absolute reduction in MRSE at 6 months, and rotation of meridian of LAL at 6 months. Percent of eyes with an uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) of 20/20 or better at six months post-operatively compared between the LAL treatment group and the monofocal control group was a secondary endpoint.

The Light Adjustable Lens corrects as low as 0.50 D of astigmatism, which is the lowest level approved to be treated.

The ability to treat 0.50 D of postoperative cylinder makes the Light Adjustable Lens the only IOL in the United States approved to correct this level of vision-altering astigmatism. Astigmatism of as little as 0.50 D can reduce visual acuity by one line, and the impact on dynamic, functional visual acuity and low-contrast acuity is even greater.1