RxSight products listed on this website may be protected by one or more of the following U.S. patent(s). One or more foreign patents may cover RxSight products, and additional application(s) may be pending. This website is provided to satisfy the virtual patent marking provisions of the America Invents Act under 35 U.S.C. § 287(a). RxSight products not listed here may be protected by one or more of the following patent(s). RxSight products may be sold individually or as part of a system.
Light Adjustable Lens™ (LAL™)
- US Patent No. 6,851,804
- US Patent No. 6,905,641
- US Patent No. 10,470,874
- US Patent No. 10,874,505
- US Patent No. 11,266,495
- US Patent No. 12,102,524
Light Adjustable Lens+™ (LAL+®)
- US Patent No. 6,851,804
- US Patent No. 6,905,641
- US Patent No. 10,470,874
- US Patent No. 10,874,505
- US Patent No. 11,266,495
- US Patent No. 12,102,524
Light Delivery Device™ (LDD™)
- US Patent No. 6,905,641
- US Patent No. 10,166,731
- US Patent No. 10,864,075
- US Patent No. 10,932,864
- US Patent No. 11,013,593
- US Patent No. 11,083,568